admin – I N F O R M E U R O P A International Independent Eco-Social & Events and economic activities Tue, 20 Feb 2018 00:20:18 +0000 it-IT hourly 1 Company Profile Tue, 20 Feb 2018 00:20:18 +0000
La nostra scuola nasce nel 1983 dalla volontà di alcuni cineasti che hanno fatto la storia del Cinema come Cesare
Zavattini, Alessandro Blasetti, Leonviola e Sofia Scandurra, per formare nuovi registi del Cinema professionale.
Nel corso degli anni è stata sostenuta da un consiglio accademico di nomi di prestigio, tra i quali: Alberto Lattuada,
Tinto Brass, Callisto Cosulich, Milena Vukotic, Leo Benvenuti e Turi Vasile per trasmettere l’esperienza e la cultura del
cinema ai giovani. Un tempo questo avveniva attraverso il volontariato. Oggi le produzioni temono incidenti sui set
così… niente volontari, niente formazione. E nessuna formazione, in questo campo significa nessuna possibilità di

Da anni la LUC si occupa di formare ragazzi giovani nel campo cinematografico permettendo loro di provarsi, sbagliare,
correggersi e riuscire, collaborando con i docenti al nostro unico obiettivo: formare un regista.
Una scuola pratica dove “IL CINEMA S’IMPARA FACENDOLO” sotto la guida di docenti, tutti professionisti.

La LUC nasce da un gruppo di
professionisti che operano da oltre
trent’anni nel settore cinematografico e
televisivo. Tra i nostri docenti annoveriamo
alcuni vincitori di premi quali il David di
Donatello, Leone d’Oro a Venezia.
Essendo stata la prima scuola a
sperimentare l’elettronica e il digitale,
recepisce i nuovi linguaggi della
contemporaneità ed oggi intende
presentare le nuove proposte e modalità


La LUC è un centro di formazione dove i
professionisti del mondo del cinema
mettono la loro passione ed esperienza a
servizio dell’insegnamento, con un know
how riconosciuto a livello nazionale e
internazionale nel settore dell’audiovisivo.
Alla LUC tecnologia e arti creative si
mescolano per sviluppare prodotti
innovativi sia nel settore dell’
entertainment cinematografico che in
quello della comunicazione visiva.La sede operativa della LUC è un
ambiente polifunzionale. Si adatta
facilmente alle diverse esigenze, data la
sua versatilità spaziale, trasformandosi da
aula studio a luogo d’incontro, da sala
riunioni a set cinematografico.

Perchè scegliere L.U.C.?

Registi e professionisti accreditati
I nostri docenti sono professionisti
accreditati del mondo cinematografico.

Attrezzature professionali
Macchine da presa professionali, BlackMagic
production 4k, studio di montaggio Apple.

Crediti Formativi Universitari
I nostri corsi sono riconosciuti dall’Università di
Roma Tre DAMS e valgono come crediti formativi,
sia per la laurea Triennale che quella Magistrale.


Master Film Making Tue, 20 Feb 2018 00:20:08 +0000

Master regia cinematografica Tue, 20 Feb 2018 00:20:00 +0000



Alla LUC si respira il cinema in ogni angolo ed i grandi maestri sono lì ad accoglierti per condurti in questo fantastico mondo. Dalle prime settimane ti cimenterai con mezzi tecnici all’avanguardia all’attivo con esercitazioni pratiche, individuali e di gruppo, lavorerai insieme ai tuoi compagni sul set e di volta in volta sperimenterai ruoli diversi dalla regia, al direttore della fotografia, al montatore, attore o attrice e così via. Grazie alla collaborazione con case di produzione italiane e straniere, come la A&O Bureau ed altri, avrai la possibilità di visitare set professionali di vedere dal vivo come si lavora, e di partecipare attivamente alla lavorazione di un corto, documentario, e/o film.
Il percorso formativo è studiato su misura per ogni corsista, attraverso professionisti del settore, con lezioni d’aula, laboratori e visite ai set nell’ambito di un’offerta di “Learning by doing”. Un corso di cinema dove Ogni allievo meritevole esce dal corso Master firmando i lavori proposti dai docenti nei diversi ruoli previsti dai set cinematografici.

La filosofia di questa bottega di lavoro è: “il cinema s’impara facendolo”.


Lezioni a cura di: Toni Trupia, Cecilia Calvi, Giovanna Caico, La scrittura cinematografica e audiovisiva , lingua e linguaggio, il testo, il messaggio, il codice, l’idea narrativa.

Lezioni a cura di: Ludovica Scandurra, Vito Zagarrio, Toni Trupia. Grammatica e sintassi di ripresa, la messa in scena, l’errore.

Lezioni a cura di: Daniele Nannuzzi, Jessica Giaconi, Patrizia Genovesi. La composizione dell’immagine, la luce in movimento, le ombre, la prospettiva, le macchine da presa, le ottiche, il bilanciamento e l’esposizione.

Lezioni a cura di: Jessica Giaconi, Jordan River. Esercitazioni con macchina da presa digitale BlackMagic Production Camera: sistema logaritmico e lineare, obiettivi, fuochi, diaframmi, otturatore e 3d stereoscopico.

Lezioni a cura di: Simone Manetti, Claudio Leggieri, Leonardo Siniscalco. Studio in ambiente Macintosh, software di montaggio final cut pro Hd 7.0: il ritmo, gli effetti video e audio, il mix, la grafica 3D, il Chroma Key e la correzione colore.

Lezioni a cura di: Mauro Calevi, Daniela Ricciardi. Piano di lavoro, ordine del giorno, contratti, distribuzione e marketing, ricerca fondi e crowdfunding.

Lezioni a cura di: Elena Poccetto, Fabio Vitale, David Cancellario D’Alena, Maurizio Millenotti, Fabio Filigi. Costruzione di set interni ed esterni, Maquillage e ricostruzioni ferite, invecchiamenti. Il costume nelle varie epoche, effetti speciali scenografici sul set.

Lezioni a cura di: Vincenzo Failla, Emanuele Vezzoli. La psicologia di un personaggio e la sua impostazione, il rapporto fra il regista e gli attori e come dirigerli. FONICA Lezioni a cura di: Vittorio Melloni. Presa diretta, tutti i tipi di microfoni usati per riprese fisse ed in movimento, il dolby 5.1.

Lezioni a cura di: Gabriele Campioni. Nozioni preliminari, la colonna sonora, il rapporto suono-immagine, i diversi generi musicali.

Lezioni a cura di Massimiliano Artibani Come si preparano i contenuti per il web, modalità di ripresa, narrazione e formati. Come gestire una campagna di comunicazione sul web.

Inizio lezioni: Gennaio 2018
Lezioni: 3 settimanali + giornate di set full time*
Ore: 500
Durata: 7 mesi
Frequenza: Lunedì, Martedì – 9.00/14.00 Mercoledì 9.00/16.00
*Durante l’anno ci saranno delle lezioni speciali che potrebbero prevedere il protrarsi dell’orario fino al tardo pomeriggio.
Costo: 4.000 euro


Tipologia: MASTER I livello MASTER II livello (Facoltativo)
– Durata: 7 Mesi – Durata: 3 Mesi
– Ore: 500 Ore – Ore: 300 Ore
– Frequenza: 3 Volte a settimana – Frequenza: 3 volte a settimana

Alla LUC si respira il cinema in ogni angolo ed i grandi maestri sono lì ad accoglierti per condurti in questo fantastico mondo. Dalle prime settimane ti cimenterai con mezzi tecnici all’avanguardia all’attivo con esercitazioni pratiche, individuali e di gruppo, lavorerai insieme ai tuoi compagni sul set e di volta in volta sperimenterai ruoli diversi dalla regia, al direttore della fotografia, al montatore, attore o attrice e così via.

Il master è strutturato in due livelli: il primo è obbligatorio, il secondo facoltativo.
Primo livello obbligatorio: – da gennaio a luglio 500 ore di cui:
– 200 ore di lezioni di tutte le discipline del Cinema
– 200 ore di esercitazioni con i mezzi tecnici di ripresa e post produzione – riprese sui set dove ci conduco i vari lavori prodotti dalla scuola, approvati precedentemente dal consiglio accademico.
– 100 ore di visione, visite sui set e negli stabilimenti cinematografici e incontri con personalità del Cinema.
Il percorso formativo è studiato su misura per ogni corsista, attraverso professionisti del settore, con lezioni d’aula, laboratori e visite ai set nell’ambito di un’offerta di “Learning by doing”.


Attraverso le esercitazioni PRATICHE Il ciclo permette di cimentarsi nei diversi ruoli previsti per la realizzazione di un film. La filosofia di questa bottega di lavoro è: “il Cinema s’impara facendolo”. Secondo livello facoltativo: – da settembre a novembre 300 ore si potrà accedere ad un corso specialistico, e previa valutazione da parte del consiglio accademico, l’allievo potrà realizzare un cortometraggio COME REGISTA

Prezzi: I livello 500 ore 4.000,00 (quattromila)euro – corso obbligatorio
II livello 300 ore 2.000.00 (duemila) euro – realizzazione cortometraggio corso facoltativo

Modalità e termini di pagamento:

ISCRIZIONE 1.000,00 € Entro il Dicembre 2017
PRIMA RATA 1.500,00 € Entro Febbraio 2018
SECONDA RATA 1.500,00 € Entro Aprile 2018

Di seguito i dati per effettuare il bonifico:

Libera Universita del cinema

IT 16 K 02008 05134 000010858454


ISCRIZIONE corso Filmmaker – Master di REGIA 2018 – nome dello studente


Lettera del Direttore

dopo dieci anni d’attività informeuropa newsletter trasforma la sua presentazione con notizie sulla cinematografia di film e documentari, Istituti per la formazione professionale , eventi, presentazione di casting fotografici dei nuovi diplomati che intedendono intraprendere una professione ,

Il nostro database é in grado d’inviare a livello internazionale il nostro notiziario verso differenti società cinenatografiche ,registi. scenografi, agenzie spcializzate in Europa ,USA , India ,Cina ecc  ,,

Pertanto questa pubblicazione avrà differenti finalità questo per aggiornare con” Numeri speciali ” le categorie interessate, ringranziando per l’attenzione,

Distinti saluti.

Alessandro Pettenuzzo


Court registration of number 560 (Italy)
Editorial office : 39100 Bolzano-Bozen
Telefax: (0039) 0471-200612



Publisher letter

After ten years of activity, informeuropa newsletter transform your informations with news on the cinematography of film and documentaries, professional school, events, presentation of photographie casting turned the news qualified that intedend undertake this profession,

Our database is able send by newsletter to international relations to differents cinema companies,films producer, scene designer, in Europe, USA, India, China etc,

Therefore this publication will have different finalities for adjourn by ” Special numbers” the interested categores. thanking for your attention, Yours Sincerely.

Alessandro Pettenuzzo


Court registration of number 560 (Italy)
Editorial office : 39100 Bolzano-Bozen
Telefax: (0039) 0471-200612
Informeuropa Sat, 20 May 2017 08:04:01 +0000

India-Unido Fri, 19 May 2017 08:06:31 +0000 The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations that promotes industrial development for poverty reduction, environmental sustainability and inclusive economic growth. Grounded in 1966, UNIDO has assisted various developing countries across the globe in moving towards this goal.

UNIDO’s mandate, as enshrined in  the Lima Declaration at the fifteenth session of the UNIDO General Conference in 2013, is to promote and accelerate “Inclusive and  sustainable industrial development” (ISID) in developing countries. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted by the  UN General Assembly in 2015 also acknowledges the relevance of UNIDO’s ISID mandate. Through sustainable development goal 9,  the Member States of the United Nations call upon the international community to “build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive  and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation”. At all levels of development, industry has been identified as the primary  driver in alleviating poverty, achieving food security and minimizing damage to the environment. Specific industry-related targets have also been identified under each sustainable development goal. UNIDO’s programmatic activities in achieving inclusive and sustainable industrial development  are divided between three thematic areas: creating shared prosperity, advancing economic competitiveness, and safeguarding the environment.  Further to that, technical cooperation projects range across agribusiness and rural entrepreneurship development, productive activities for women  and youth, human security and post-crisis rehabilitation, investment and technology promotion, SME and entrepreneurship development,  competitive trade capacities and corporate responsibility, resource-efficient and low-carbon production, clean energy access for productive use, and implementation of multilateral environmental agreements. UNIDO’s programmes are tailored to the country or regional dimensions of international  development cooperation. Cross-cutting functions of UNIDO include analytical and policy advisory work, standard setting and compliance, and  convening stakeholders for knowledge transfer and networking.

UNIDO has a long history of cooperation with India. India is one of the founding  members of UNIDO, and hosts one of UNIDO’s largest technical cooperation portfolios among all its member states. The UNIDO-India collaboration  has been extensive and multifaceted. UNIDO’s projects in India have placed special emphasis on SME development, partnerships with the private  sector, and research. In recent years energy and environment have become the special focus. UNIDO has also assisted India in fulfilling its obligations under various multilateral agreements, as well as in becoming a key player for South-South cooperation. This publication illustrates the various fields of the UNIDOIndia cooperation. Technical cooperation projects,  rivate partnerships, regional projects, South-South cooperation initiatives and global forums have been highlighted here to demonstrate the  multidimensional nature of the partnership. UNIDO has partnered with a number of government ministries, industry associations and institutes in  India, resulting in the successful implementation of a large number of projects and the transfer of technology and expertise to other developing countries, especially to LDCs in Africa. UNIDO’s interventions in India are clearly aligned with the priorities set by its Government. The new  Government formed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the “Make in India” initiative, which aims to make India a global manufacturing  hub. In this context, UNIDO and India have developed a strong working relationship to build a solid industrial sector to generate employment,  alleviate poverty and protect the environment. UNIDO’s activities are also concurrent with other initiatives by the government, such as “Smart Cities”  and “Swachh Bharat” (“Clean India”). The UNIDO-India cooperation currently focuses on fostering sustainable development through implementing  energy and environment-related projects, as well as through technology development and productivity-enhancing activities. A new institutional  structure of UNIDO, the International Centre for Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development (IC-ISID), was launched in New Delhi in 2015. I  am confident, that with the firm support of the Government of India, the UNIDO-India cooperation will continue to be as fruitful and successful as it  has been in the past. Through an increased project portfolio, integration with national priorities and cohesive execution of projects, UNIDO is  committed to furthering inclusive and sustainable industrial development not only in India, but in various developing countries across the world.


LI  Yong

United Nations Industrial Development Organization

Director General

ICPNA Fri, 19 May 2017 07:33:30 +0000 Announcement about the 9th ICPNA

Theme : Science, Spirituality and Universal Peace


I am pleased to inform you that the 9th International Conference on Peace and Nonviolent Action (9th ICPNA) will be held at ANUVIBHA Jaipur Kendra, Jaipur from Dec 17 to Dec 21, 2017. The theme chosen for the above conference is Science, Spirituality and Universal Peace.

Late His Holiness Acharya Mahapragya was of the view that universal peace is impossible without spirituality. The present Anuvrat Anushashtha His Holiness Acharya Shri Mahashraman also believes that science and spirituality need to be pursued simultaneously. Many spiritual leaders also think that science and spirituality are not antithesis but are the two wheels of the same cart. No one can deny that science has transformed the planet. It has almost conquered nature and is instrumental in making human life most comfortable. Unfortunately man’s materialistic development hasn’t been commensurate with his spiritual development. On the one hand science has given us unprecedented materialistic comforts but at the same time it has also given us weapons of mass destruction which include atom bombs and intercontinental ballistic missiles that can carry nuclear weapons to distant parts of the world. Humanity has already witnessed the catastrophe of Hiroshima and Nagasaki which resulted in the killing of millions of innocent people. Only spiritually elevated persons will not use science for wars and for the gratification of their selfish ends. So, it is time we concentrated on preparing spiritual-cum-scientific human beings.

Science only explains the nature of an object, it doesn’t preach. On account of the unprecedented materialistic development man today is inclined more to moral torpor, acedia, violence, hatred and greed. The scientists like Albert Einstein favoured the integration of science and spirituality. His famous quote is “Science without religion (spirituality) is lame, religion without science is blind.” But the most celebrated modern scientist Stephen Halwking differs. He says, “There is a fundamental difference between religion, which is based on authority, and science, which is based on observation and reason. Science will win because it works.” Notwithstanding those contradictory beliefs most people agree that we need to have a new human who combines both science and spirituality in him. In other words we need to have a human who has scientific outlook on life and is spiritual at heart. Only then universal peace is possible.

It has been decided to discuss this question threadbare at this most significant conference. We are inviting spiritual leaders, eminent scientists and social leaders of eminence who have been crusading against violence, hatred and human propensities for vengeance. We also intend to invite some Nobel Peace Laureates including HH The Dalai Lama. A detailed programme will be sent to those who think that they can attend this conference. If you think that you are interested in it and would like to attend it, please write to me indicating your intention giving your brief background and email ID. I will then send you the detailed brochure and a letter of invitation. The 9th ICPNA aims at deepening your insights into spirituality and providing you with a platform to share your views with the enlightened audience. The conference proposes to issue a declaration at its end which will be a blueprint for creating a world without violence by reconciling science and spirituality. Please save the dates.

I look forward to hearing from you,

Yours sincerely,

Dr. S.L. Gandhi

International President

Anuvrat Global Organization (ANUVIBHA)

PH: +91-141-4049714 | 4050991 | 2525829
e-mail :  |  web :

Sierra Leone Fri, 19 May 2017 07:18:14 +0000

Tel: +23276326294/+23276927990
Office Address: 12 Barracks Road Makeni, Bombali District- Sierra Leone

The Economic Empowerment and Human Rights Sierra Leone, is a Sierra Leonean Community Based Organization focusing on the promotion and protection of Women and Children in rural communities of Sierra Leone, and the involvement of Communities in Development, Democracy and Human Rights, with special focus on the International Convenient on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Established since 2010

The mission of the EEHR-SL is to provide a comprehensive range of services that are   accessible and safe to women and children

The vision of the EEHR-SL is the creation of a safe and secure society of a human rights culture, where women and children are empowered to exercise their full human potential, and facilitates solutions for human rights abuse, economic deprivation, education, health, hunger, poverty, and natural resource for the realisation of their full human potentials

The Economic Empowerment and Human Rights Sierra Leone work on the following thematic areas: Human Rights, Gender Empowerment, Food Security, Early Child Marriage, Teenage Pregnancy and FGM/c, Economic Empowerment, Health (Sexual and Reproductive Health), Community Mediation (Child help line), Education (Primary and Secondary Education), Vocational and Life Skills Training and Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)

Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights

EEHRSL create conditions to change and improve lives of people, and our goal is to do sex education and advocacy to dispel the prejudices, cure, and lack of knowledge and increase sexual health education, in urban and rural communities of Sierra Leone.

The organisation is currently implementing a six (6) month project with funds from Amplify Change titled ‘’Educational and Life Skill Training for Teenage Pregnant girls in Bombali district‘’ The project will establish School health clubs in ten (10) schools in the Bombali district on sexual and reproductive health, the organisation has developed a training manual for training adolescents after school sessions. The aims is to change the attitudes and behaviour of adolescents towards improved sexual lifestyle by preventing unwanted pregnancy, abortion, STIs, including HIV/AIDS and other SRH problems by empowering the adolescence to learn from each other. The project will also provide trainings/workshops, community engagements meeting with policy makers and stakeholders. Demand for an extension of the sexual and reproductive health education by communities and school authorities to other chiefdoms has been a big challenge.

Community Child helpline

Our community child helpline is operated on a prepaid phone; children and community people used their cell phones to call our help lines, our monthly calls are between 1400/1600. EEHRSL response team get in touch with children in distress and in emergency situations on a motor bike providing emergency rescue. EEHRSL is currently not using free toll lines as the resources are not available. It sometime difficulty to trace lines, These Child help line ensures all children in the Northern Region of Sierra Leone have the opportunity to be heard and assisted. EEHRSL adhere to the four core principles of the UNCRC: non-discrimination; the best interests of the child; the right to life, survival and development; and respect for the views of the child. EEHRSL also ensure that children are Protection from harmful influences, abuse and exploitation; and to participate fully in family, cultural and social life. EEHRSL is a member organisation of Child help line international. Our biggest constrain is that we need a free toll lines and mobility for providing effective emergency rescue for children in distress.

Human Rights

Human Rights Education and child protection is an integral part of our work, by increasing the Knowledge of people about Human Rights, procedures and freedoms as a fundamental tool to guarantee respect for the rights of all.

EEHRSL Human Rights Education package encompasses values such as peace, non-discrimination, equality, justice, non-violence, Sexual and Reproductive Health Justices, tolerance and respect for human dignity irrespective of color, ethnical background or otherwise, our Human rights education is based on a human rights approach. This means that rights are implemented throughout the whole education system and in all learning environments as enshrine in the Bill of Rights of the UDHR to protect the individual from the power of the state from abuse/violations. This is done through community engagement, consultation with stakeholders, trainings, community outreach, TV and radio talk shows, and public campaigns among others. EEHRSL is a member organisation of the District Human Rights committee and District Child Protection organised by the ministry of social welfare gender and children’s affaires.


Primary School Education

Improving the Quality of Primary Education in Sierra Leone has been one of our core areas by transforming teaching-learning processes and improving educational planning and management in our operational areas. This is meant to reach schools and teachers, this intervention is to strengthen linkages between teachers colleges and primary schools; enhances the professional capacity of primary school teachers; builds capacity at regional (Bombali, Tonkolili and Port Loko districts) and local education offices; empowers communities to manage their own school development; and make basic education more accessible to out-of-school children and increase primary school opportunities to improve education. It is EEHRSL intention to provide families with educational support, increase the enrollment and retention girls in schools who faced high rate of educational injustice in their families as to the male child and also to keep children in schools, Construction of 7 block apartment building in Ro-porma village in the Makarie Gbanti chiefdom and 5 apartment blocks in Mathamba village in the Bombali Shebora village has been one of the achieved in addressing primary education, equipping the school with furniture, learning materials and equipment is our next target.

Gender Empowerment

Our experience working with gender issues in Sierra Leone, has shown that addressing gender equality and women’s empowerment requires strategic interventions at all levels of programming and policy-making. Despite many international agreements, affirming countries human rights obligations, women and girls are still likely poor and illiterate in Sierra Leone than men, they usually have less access than men to medical care, property ownership, economic status, training and employment. They are far less likely than men to be politically active and more likely to be victims of domestic violence. The ability of women to control their own fertility is absolutely fundamental to women’s empowerment and equality in Sierra Leone.  EEHRSL provide the enabling environment for women to be heard in rural settings of Sierra Leone through information, trainings, awareness raising, public education and monitoring.

EEHRSL experience the following:

  • Reproductive health: Women, for both physiological and social reasons, are more vulnerable than men to reproductive health problems. Reproductive health problems including maternal mortality, STIs (HIV/AIDs) represent a major cause of death and disability for women in Sierra Leone.
  • Natural Resources: Women in Sierra Leone are usually in charge of securing water, food and finances. Therefore, they tend to put into immediate practice whatever they learn about nutrition and preserving the environment and natural resources
  • Political Empowerment:  Social and legal institutions still do not guarantee women equality in basic legal and human rights, access to legal empowerment control of land/property still remains an unanswered questions for women, equality in employment, social and political participation, Even when women are in parliament and or in governance they are still answerable to men for continuity of their position.
  • Educational Empowerment: About two thirds of the illiterate adults in Sierra Leone and in the world are female. Higher levels of women’s education are strongly associated with both lower infant mortality and lower fertility, as well as with higher levels of education and economic opportunity for their children.
  • Empowerment: More women live in poverty than men. Economic disparities persist partly because much of the unpaid work within families and communities falls on the shoulders of women and because they face discrimination in the economic sphere.

Agricultural for Livelihood

EEHRSL agriculture program Operates in eight chiefdoms in the Bombali district, we work with the Ministry of Agriculture to ensure food security, We build systems of production, distribution and marketing of quality seeds at good prices; conduct research to develop better varieties and practices for the agricultural sector; offer credit support to poor farmers; and promote the use of efficient farming techniques. EEHRSL helps these communities become self sufficient in food production. At the rural community level, the agriculture program operates through experienced self employed community agriculture. EEHRSL provides training on farming techniques for specific crop varieties with techniques. Our aim is to work with partners, continuously provide trainings at community level, monitoring of food security conditions and market prices, education, report, and analyses activities, creates public awareness campaigns, provide guidance, tools and tip to assess needs in different contexts.

Women livelihood support

Our investments in women’s livelihood, sets a direct path towards gender equality, poverty eradication and inclusive economic growth. Women in rural communities in Sierra Leone make enormous contributions to the economy, in businesses, on farms, as entrepreneurs or employees, or by doing unpaid care work at home.

But they remain disproportionately affected by poverty, discrimination and exploitation. Gender discrimination against women in Sierra               Leone often end up in insecure, low-wage jobs, and constitute a small minority of those in senior positions. It curtails access to economic assets such as access to land and loans.  This limits women participation in shaping their economic and social policies. And because women perform the bulk of household work, they often have little time left to pursue economic opportunities. EEHSL is supporting these women in livestock and oil palm production, to increase their economic livelihood in rural settings. EEHRSL is constrains with extension of these services to other districts. The ministry of agriculture, and other donor partners have the challenge in addressing women livelihood.

Air Malta 2017 Fri, 19 May 2017 07:17:24 +0000





Il programma per l’estate 2017 di Air Malta 2017 prevede due voli giornalieri diretti verso Roma e Catania

Per la prossima estate, Air Malta ha in programma di effettuare 150 voli settimanali diretti verso 29 destinazioni. In base al programma, che sarà operativo dal 26 marzo al 28 ottobre 2017, la compagnia maltese prevede di trasportare 1,2 milioni di passeggeri, continuando ad operare con una flotta di otto velivoli, un servizio simile a quanto fornito nel corso di quest’anno.

L’orario estivo 2017 di Air Malta prevede l’aumento delle frequenze su Roma, Catania, e Palermo. Nel periodo di picco estivo, la compagnia aerea metterà a disposizione dell’utenza due voli giornalieri sulle tratte da/a Roma e Catania.

La compagnia aerea manterrà i suoi attuali accordi di code-sharing con Air France, Alitalia, Aeroflot, Austrian Airlines, Emirates, Etihad, KLM, Lufthansa, Brussels Airlines, Czech Airlines, Meridiana, Swiss Airlines e Turkish Airlines. Questi accordi sono destinati ad espandere la rete operativa di Air Malta verso altri mercati in tutto il mondo.

Il programma estivo proposto consentirà di massimizzare opportunità, aumentare l’efficienza e rendere i voli più attraenti, sia per i viaggiatori provenienti da Malta, che per i turisti che desiderano visitare l’isola la prossima estate.

“Ci siamo concentrati sulle nostre rotte di base, aumentando le frequenze su di esse, e diminuendo o interrompendo le operazioni sulle tratte con scarsa adesione. Abbiamo aumentato il numero dei voli diretti su e da convenienti aeroporti internazionali, consentendo quindi ai nostri ospiti di viaggiare quando vogliono con i minimi costi di trasporto a terra possibili. La nostra strategia di aumentare le frequenze si tradurrà in migliori opportunità per i visitatori a breve termine e nella crescita del turismo a  Malta, permettendoci, allo stesso tempo, di massimizzare l’impiego dei nostri aeromobili”, ha detto Joseph Galea, Amministratore Delegato pro tempore di Air Malta.

“Siamo determinati ad ottimizzare le nostre risorse limitate al fine di  ottenere una migliore efficienza operativa e cogliere le migliori opportunità offerte dalla nostra rete di rotte. Siamo orgogliosi di mettere a disposizione dei viaggiatori un ricco programma di voli e di rotte da e per Malta. Il programma fa capo ad aeroporti che, grazie al code-share con i nostri partner, sono in grado di garantire collegamenti su tratte che si estendono al di là delle rotte operative di Air Malta”, ha aggiunto Galea.

Inoltre, la prossima estate Air Malta continuerà ad essere il più grande operatore di voli charter da/per Malta, progettando un programma interessante per operatori maltesi e stranieri. Le trattative con operatori di charter sono attualmente in corso.

Per ulteriori informazioni visitare il sito, contattare l’ufficio vendite di Air Malta al 199 259 103, oppure fare il login su



Air Malta plc
Comunicazione aziendale
Divisione commerciale
Sky Parks Business Centre
Livello 2
Aeroporto Internazionale di Malta
Luqa LQA4000

Tel.  +356 2299 9228


Malta International Airport plc

Andrea Gizzi – Eng Fri, 19 May 2017 07:16:56 +0000
